- Paket tur
Berbagai destinasi wisata yang telah kami siapkan untuk Anda dan keluarga. Apakah Anda siap untuk berpetualang?
l. M.H. Thamrin 1, Jakarta 10310
T : (62-21) 3985-5000
F : (62-21) 3985-5130, 3985-5195
First Step Requirements
- Fill The Form ( Formulir Visa Jerman + Formulir Tambahan Jerman)
- Make an Appointment ( Appointment Visa Jerman )
Biometrics Address: German Visa Application Center, Jakarta Kuningan City Mall, 1st Floor Jl. Prof.Dr.Satrio Kav.18, Setiabudi Kuningan – South Jakarta
- Validitas paspor minimum 6 bulan dari perkiraan tanggal kedatangan.
- Foto Terbaru dengan 3,5 X 4,5 ukuran = 2 sheets, dengan latar belakang putih, using photo paper with good quality and clear proportional face when zoomed 80%
- Surat sponsorship dalam bahasa Inggris dari perusahaan tempat pelamar bekerja. If there is more person/family joining the trip please put his/her name and status on the letter.
- Applicant start job date and salary per month must be included on company’s Sponsorship Letters
- If there isn’t salary per month mentioned on the letter, applicant must attach salary slip
- Salinan SIUP (Pemilik) and in English and NPWP must be added if the applicant is General Manager, Direktur, Direktur Utama atau Komisaris
- If the applicant is business owner and not having official letterhead then applicant can type the letter in English with company’s stamp and also attach copy of NPWP and SIUP(Pemilik) dalam bahasa Inggris
- Jika pemohon mendapatkan sponsor dari anaknya, please attach copy of child birth certificate. Hal ini dapat membuktikan hubungan aplikasi dengan anak. → Dalam bahasa Inggris
- Jika pemohon mendapat sponsor dari mertua, please attach copy of his child married certificate and birth certificate to prove the relationship → In English.
- Jika pemohon sudah pensiun, the letter can be typed on paper In English and signed
- Applicant can choose type of financial statement:
- Original Current Account from Bank.
- Legalized copy of Saving/ Bank Transfer from E-Banking per sheet
- If the name on passport is different from applicant data, please attach copy of Certificate of Change of Name (Surat Perubahan Nama) Dalam → Bahasa Inggris
- Copy of Marriage Certificate ( Akte Nikah)
- Original Student Card (Kartu Pelajar) and Confirmation Letter from School (Surat Keterangan Sekolah) dalam bahasa Inggris.
- If applicant’s child lives in Germany, lampirkan salinan paspor, Visa, akta kelahiran dan surat undangan dalam bahasa Inggris
- Cetak Reservasi Tiket / Original Ticket
- Copy Kartu Keluarga (KK) + Resident Identity Card ( DLL )
- Hotel confirmation with official letterhead during trip from the Europe.
- Traveling Insurance that valid for the duration of applicant stay on Europe and a guarantee money (uang pertanggungan) Rp 50.000 atau EURO 30.000. Travel Insurance is required to cover covid-19.
- Form is filled and signed by applicant. For the child who doesn’t have an Resident Identity Card, form is signed by both of the parents
- Untuk Anak dibawah 18 Years Old who travel with only one of the parent, the applicant must give permission letter from parents notarized by notary,
For every applicants who already VIS and not coming to retake biometric MUST sign main form (3 online papers to sign) + Extra form (3 papers) +Letter of Authority (Surat Kuasa) (1 Paper) because there are 7 papers need to be signed by applicant
Tourist / Business
Visa Form
Extra Form
Letter Of Authority Form
Form Insurance Decoration
Catatan :
- Price can changes anytime without prior notice
- Price above is not include VAT 1%
- Price as per 22 Januari 2022
Jl. Dr. Wahidin No. 29, Surabaya 60264, East JavaT : 031-563 1871
F : 031-563 1872
Surel: surabaya@hk-diplo.de
First Step Requirements
- Fill The Form ( Visa Form + Extra Form)
- Print The Form
- Actual size
- Choose paper source by PDF page size
- Auto potrait / landscape
- Validitas paspor minimum 6 bulan dari perkiraan tanggal kedatangan
- Foto Terbaru dengan 3,5 X 4,5 ukuran = 2 sheets, dengan latar belakang putih, using photo paper with good quality and clear proportional face when zoomed 80%
- Sponsorship Letter in English with official letterhead from company where the applicant works and copy of SIUP and TDP. If there is more person/family joining the trip please attach the name and status on the letter.
- If the applicant is business owner and not having official letterhead then please type a letter in English with company’s stampt and attach copy of TDP and SIUP(Pemilik) dalam bahasa Inggris
- Jika pemohon mendapatkan sponsor dari anaknya, please attach copy of the child birth certificate. This can proves application’s relationship with the child. → Dalam bahasa Inggris
- Jika pemohon mendapat sponsor dari mertua, please attach copy of married certificate and birth certificate to prove the relationship → In English.
- Jika pemohon sudah pensiun, the letter can be typed on paper In English and signed.
- If the travel fees paid by company, the applicant need to explain that he/she works at the company including giving information about company’s address, phone number and extension number, salary slip, the purpose going to Germany, return date and Company Financial Statement in the last 3 bulan.
- Copy of Resident Identity Card ( DLL)
- Copy Kartu Keluarga ( Kartu Keluarga)
- Jika nama paspor berbeda dengan data pemohon, please attach copy of Certificate of Change of Name (Surat Perubahan Nama) Dalam → Bahasa Inggris
- If applicant’s wife is joining the trip, add copy of Marriage Certification (Akte Nikah)
- If applicant’s child is joining the trip and still actively school, please attach
- Copy Kartu Mahasiswa (Kartu Pelajar)
- Salinan Akta Kelahiran (Akte Kelahiran) Dalam bahasa Inggris
- If the child is below 18 tahun, form is signed by both parents. If the applicant is 16 years old but not 18 tahun, the child can go by themself to Embassy and sign form and bring parent permission. But if the children is below 16 tahun, he/she doesn’t need come to Embassy, just both of his parents to sign the form and attach Confirmation Letter from School (Surat Keterangan Sekolah) / Student Card ( Kartu Pelajar )
- Cetak Reservasi Tiket
- Copy of Hotel Confirmation in Germany with booking code, payment proof, correct address from hotel in Germany. Other countries hotel stay can be just voucher.
- Traveling Insurance that valid for the duration of stay in Europe and guarantee money (uang pertanggungan) Rp 50.000 atau EURO 30.000
- Making itinerary (Download Lembar Perjalanan H3)
- Additional Documents if there is applicant’s family in there:
- Invitation Letter ( Surat Undangan ) from Germany and copy of inviter/family passport, Visa, and driver license (SIM) Additional Documents for Business Trip
- Letter from Business Partner with official letterhead, legal sign and contact person (PIC)
- Additional Documents for Attending an Exhibition
- Letter from Company for Applicant
- Exhibition Ticket
- Additional Documents for Exhibitor
- Letter from Company for Applicant
- Copy of invoice for stand rent and floor plan from organizer in Germany
- Copy of payment proof for renting a stand
- Visa can be made when all documents are completed
- Tourist/Business applicant visa must come to Embassy
- For Foreign passport can’t be processed in Indonesia but can be process at issued country,
- For Business Visa must put invitation from Company in Germany
- Tidak ada pengembalian dana jika ada pembatalan dari pemohon atau ditolak oleh Kedutaan Besar
- Success in obtaining a visa is full authority of the embassy.
Tourist / Business
Visa Form
Extra Form
Catatan :
- Price can changes anytime without prior notice
- Prices Do Not Include VAT 1,1%
Update :
- However, there is an additional requirement in the form of a vaccine certificate that must be attached when applying for a visa.
- The vaccines received by france are:
- Pfizer BioNTech Manufacturing GmbH,
- Moderna Biotech Spain
- S.L., Janssen-Cilag International NV
- AstraZeneca Vaxzevria Sweden
- And the vaccine certificate must include:
- Personal data of individuals who have been vaccinated (at least surname, first name and date of birth),
- Date of vaccination, number of vaccine doses,
- The name of the vaccine ingredient,
- The name of the disease the vaccine is fighting against,
- The name and address of the individual/institution responsible for the implementation of the vaccination.
Jendelatours is not responsible for any visa refusal or delay in granting the visa where the provisions for such granting are the authority of the related Embassy.

Kantor pusat :
Kebayoran Baru – Jakarta Selatan
Jakarta 12140 – Indonesia
Telepon : (021) 270 270 2
Surat : info@jendelatours.com

Tentang Jendela Tur & Bepergian
Jendela Tours & Travel - Mengingat saat-saat indah
© 2006 Jendela Tours & Travel
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